Our Story




After many years of exploration, we discovered the perfect location amid the ruggedly beautiful Monashee Mountains, where the snowfalls and tree skiing became legendary. An easy-to-travel-to base of operation was chosen with extensive poor-weather skiing terrain very close by, resulting in our very few down days. Further afield, we have a huge variety of expansive glaciers, majestic alpine bowls, long chutes, open forests, and burns.

In 2017 we completed construction of the incredible Eagle Pass Lodge, a private 12-bedroom heliski lodge located just 10 minutes from downtown Revelstoke.

Our 2023/24 season marks our 13th season shredding pow DEEP in the Monashees, and we can't wait to ride with you!


Since day one, the philosophy at Eagle Pass Heli has been to strive to provide the ultimate Heliskiing experience with total attention to detail, and an unpretentious, friendly atmosphere. Small group Heliskiing is at the core of this philosophy and is a key part of what we offer our Guests.

Small groups are essential to our philosophy as they magnify your wilderness experience in the mountains. This also provides your guide with added flexibility in choosing interesting and varied ski terrain. Furthermore, using the small A-Star helicopter gives the Pilot greater flexibility in the choice of landings and pick-ups.

"I absolutely love to ride with Eagle Pass cause they have access to some of the sickest tree runs in the world with blower pow and amazing pilots and guides that I feel comfortable being in the mountain with. You can't go wrong, they'll fly in a snowstorm and you'll ride insane trees all day wherein places like Alaska, you could be waiting for the occasional sunny day. When the sun pops at Eagle Pass though, it 's absolutely amazing! My favorite!"

